4 Reasons Why People Hate Poetry

 4 Reasons Why People Hate Poetry:

  1. One of the most significant reasons why people hate poetry is because they simply do not understand it. Poetry can be very abstract and use language that is not familiar to the reader. We like to read concrete material that we can easily understand. This can make it difficult for some people to comprehend what the poet is trying to convey, leading to feelings of frustration and confusion. 

  2. Another reason why people hate poetry is that they feel that it is outdated and no longer relevant to our current society. Poetry has been around for centuries, and some people might view it as something that is stuck in the past, and has no relevance in the present day. In a fast-paced and technologically advanced world, many people might feel that poetry is simply not important or useful, and that it is a waste of time to read or write it.

  3. For some people, the dislike of poetry might stem from personal experiences. For example, we have all had a bad experience with poetry in school, such as being forced to memorize and recite a poem that we did not understand or connect with. 

  4. Finally, for some people, the dislike of poetry might simply be a matter of personal preference. Just like any other form of art or literature, poetry is a matter of taste, and what one person might find beautiful and moving, another might find boring or pretentious. Some people might simply prefer more straightforward forms of writing, such as prose, and might find poetry to be too speculative for their tastes.

    Do People Hate Poetry? According to Ben Lerner, Yes - The New York Times


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