4 Reasons Why I Love Poetry

4 Reasons Why I Love Poetry:

  1. It’s inspiring- Poetry is a timeless form of writing that inspires my own work. Analyzing strategic styles or innovative ploys poets use, I can incorporate new techniques into my own writing. Poetry also explores topics largely unknown to us. Do we often contemplate the meaning of love? Or the paths in life we are forced to choose from? No, but poetry enables us to think abstractly about concepts that affect our daily lives. Portrayed with great emotion and intricate wording, poetry has the power to inspire us in even our darkest times.   

  2. It’s creative- No form of poetry is ever considered “wrong”. It truly is the most creative outlet, an opportunity for us to convey all of our raw emotions into a few lines of text. Interpretation of poetry is also quite ambiguous. There is not a single definite way to define the meaning of a poem like there is not a single definite way to write one. 

  3. It’s relevant- Some argue that poetry is long past its expiration date and no longer has a place in modern society, but I would actually argue the opposite. No matter if a poem is centuries old or minutes old, each piece has a unique ability to help us gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us. By reading poetry, we can become more worldly individuals with a more holistic perspective of our lives at large. 

  4. It’s beautiful- It’s true that poetry can be difficult to understand at times, but that is part of its beauty. We don’t have to know everything about a poem to appreciate it. From flowing rhymes to sharp consonants, just the way a poem sounds is appealing to me. Even if we can’t grasp the author’s message in a poem, we can still acknowledge beautiful writing. 

    I love poems - Readilearn



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