Reflective Blog Post

In the beginning of the semester, writing was like a chore for me. The thought of writing a 250 word blog post every week made me want to put it off until the last possible minute. And my blog posts in the beginning definitely reflected this mindset. You can tell entries like my very first blog, “Does Money Equal Happiness?”, are rushed and surface-level. The one-giant-paragraph format made the writing hard to follow, the sentence structure didn’t make sense, and you could easily tell I was just writing to fill up the 250 word requirement. I asked a lot of questions in my writing which could stylistically be good, but I didn’t execute it too well then. Another thing I notice about those beginning pieces is that I wrote about things I didn’t really care about. Money is not a topic I am very interested in or passionate about. 

In the middle of the semester, I was finding myself as a writer. I played around with different styles, which can be seen through my blog posts again, and also my in class essays. Sometimes I used the block method and sometimes I used point-by-point. I played around with syntax and was still finding what I wanted to say in my writing, my voice. The middle of the semester was a huge time for growth in my journey.

Compared to the beginning and middle of the semester, I am proud of the work I have achieved towards the end. My “Conversation with the World” project is about a topic I genuinely care about. On top of that, in that final project, the structure of my writing was unique and easy to follow, I broke my writing up into different paragraphs and even had an interview section to captivate my audience. My rhetorical techniques have also improved immensely, and through more powerful word choice, my project was a lot more persuading than my earlier pieces of work. Now, I wouldn’t say I have a passion for writing, but I definitely enjoy it a lot more than I used to. Taking 45 minutes out of my week to write those 250 words has really shown me that writing doesn’t have to be a burden, it can be enjoyable. Now, I look forward to writing my weekly blogs because it is a much needed source of alone time for me to focus on myself and my thoughts only. A goal of mine for next semester, through writing my weekly blogs, is to develop a passion for writing that I can carry on with me for the rest of my life. 


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