Be Grateful

 This week, for my silent book club reading book, I am reading Big Little Lies, by Liane Moriairty. In the book, age is something that is talked about immensely. The older women want to be young again and alive, while the younger women want to become more mature and stronger. The two groups of women are both jealous of the other, signifying the human instinct to want what you can’t have. 

Ever since we were little, we were taught to always be content with what we had and to only worry about ourselves. However, we were always still jealous, leading sentences with “but she has this” and “why can’t I have this like her”. Our parents have helped us realize that not everyone is equal, so not everyone gets the same things or opportunities, but the instinct is still there. As we get older, we will never stop being jealous of what other people have, but we can learn to be more appreciative of what WE have. 

Shakespeare actually classified jealousy as a green-eyed monster that attacks people. He said, “It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.” This means that the only meat the green-eyed monster can feed on is your own jealousy, and the more jealous you are, the more and more the monster will feed and overcome you. Soon, you won’t even be aware of your actions, for jealousy can become so strong and overpowering that you won’t be in control anymore. 

As Halloween approaches, remember to never let the green-eyed monster in (any other monster is fine). This Halloween and Thanksgiving, be grateful for everything you have. 


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