Pivotal Moment
A pivotal moment in my education was when I first joined Girl Scouts. I still remember the very first day in kindergarten with all new shining faces, games, and snacks. It was so simple back then, but it has developed into so much more. When you think of education, you think of STEM, but Girl Scouts has taught me so much that I couldn’t possibly learn in a classroom. I have learned much more about myself and the growing world around me. I now know that I learn best with hands-on experiences, which are presented in many opportunities through Girl Scouts. For example, in kindergarten and first grade, I learned to help people, and to give to those with less than me at such a young age. I volunteered many hours at senior homes, food banks, animal shelters, and more. In second and third grade, I learned to expand my interests and try new things which led me to dance, a hobby I am now extremely passionate about and dedicated to. In fourth and fifth grade, I devoted lots of my time going...