
Showing posts from November, 2020

Apple Pie vs Pumpkin Pie

During Thanksgiving last week, we got to spend some precious time with our families enjoying some of the most delicious food. Everybody has their own favorite thanksgiving dishes including stuffing, green beans, mashed potatoes, and the most controversial dessert: pie. There is always the notorious battle of pumpkin pie versus apple pie. Although pumpkin pie and apple pie are both delicious fruit pies, apple pie is more flavorful and can be paired well with other toppings, making it the better pie.  Similarly, pumpkin pie and apple pie are two delicious pies with fruit fillings. However, they have very different flavors. Apple pie is tangy and fruity, while pumpkin pie is more creamy and bland. Apple pie has just the right amount of tartness, while pumpkin pie can sometimes be overwhelmingly sweet. The textures are also very different. Pumpkin pie is too mushy and soft for me, while apple pie filling is soft, but still firm with distinct pieces of apple in it.  Also, apple pie can be p

Nice to Meet You?

In the book I’m currently reading, Big Little Lies , first impressions are everything. It is from the point of view of a group of middle-aged kindergarten moms, who judge each and every person they see, by their first impressions of them. For example, Celeste seems like the most young, beautiful, wealthy, and happy mother, but if you dig a little deeper, there is so much more to her story beneath the surface. Through this novel, I can see the theme of how first impressions are very important and how there are many factors of a first impression.  The ethos of communication revolves around the person you really are and, more important, the person you are perceived to be. For instance, your first time meeting a celebrity would be a whole different experience from your first time talking to a random person on the street. You would likely idolize a celebrity not because of their personality, but because of their fame and appearance. However, meeting a normal person on the street, having no

Use Your Voice

  Social order is disturbed and chaos occurs because of the human instinct of desire for structure and the fear of the unknown as shown in the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, and the Stephan King excerpt.  We crave structure to the point where we will do almost anything for it, even if that means completely upsetting social order. For example, “‘P’raps we ought to go too.’ Ralph looked at him, quickly and Piggy blushed. ‘I mean— to make sure nothing happens’” (Golding 148). In Lord of the Flies , Piggy and Ralph both desire a society with structure, unlike their own. This quote shows how easy it is to give into that instinct because we naturally fear a society with many unknowns. However this could create lots of chaos, for example, the complete loss of humanity of Jack’s group even with structure. Another instance of this is, “Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box, but no one liked to upset e