
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Final Stretch

It’s almost May, and that means it’s the time when school starts seeming  almost like a crime. As the days get warmer, they feel longer too. With the last bit of studying that we have left to do. AP tests, final exams, Will we ever get a rest? It all feels like a scam. But what we have to remember and what we have to keep in mind, is that summer is just around the corner, which is the best time. No more homework and no more responsibilities, no more stress, So many more availabilities. Only a few more months that we need to push through. Summer is just within reach and the skies are looking blue. It’s the final stretch  That seems to stretch on forever… Just stretch a bit more for the best summer ever. 

Billie Eilish’s Poetry

  In our agenda everyday, there is a time set aside for us to reflect on the musical poetry our chosen artist creates. The artist I have chosen for this unit is Billie Eilish. Because she is not much older than us, I feel that her music is very relatable for our generation. It’s so interesting to see what she has to say (or sing) because she has been in the public eye ever since she was 13/14. I believe her music reflects a lot on her journey and personal experiences as a teen gaining popularity. I love her music so much because she pours her heart and soul into her lyrics. Here are some of what I consider the most powerful lyrics of hers: “If teardrops could be bottled, there’d be swimming pools filled by models” - idontwannabeyouanymore In her song idontwannabeyouanymore , Billie talks about her struggles with depression as an extremely famous and young artist. I love that she expresses this through her music instead of hiding behind it and being ashamed of it. Part of what makes her

Poetry All Around Us

  In one of the TED-Ed videos we watched in class this week, it talked about how poetry is all around us. I personally never really noticed this, but would like to expand on it a little more. The video stressed how poetic rhythms can be seen in our everyday lives. For example, us, ourselves, have rhythms built into our very bodies. We have a steady, repeating pulse and we take deep breaths in and out to survive. Poetic patterns can also be seen in song lyrics, items we see everyday, and activities we take part in. For example, if we zoomed in close on a fallen leaf of a tree in our backyard, we would see that it has a pattern, a design on it.  Because our everyday lives are full of poetic patterns, noticing and interpreting them would definitely assist us in understanding and even writing our own poetry. For instance, the repetition of the chirping of birds is beautiful, but not when it’s repeated too much. Then, it can start to get annoying and just a little too much. The same thing c